Six workers of the the Pit recount one dream each. By analysing these statements, a certain models of speech is noticeable, obviously profiled by communist ideology and narrative where the unconscious can only be analyzed in the context of its relationship to ideological structures of the society. Behind the differences in age and personality of workers, which seemingly show different identities, hides a certain pattern of censorship of the statements, reflecting their restraint due fear of saying something wrong in any way that could have an inadequate impact on their workplaces. Their social and economic position influenced the credibility of these intimate statements. We can clearly see how an authority, such as this Company, indirectly puts in its possession personal and intimate of its workers.
“500m into the depths of sleep”, single-channel video installation, duration: 00:05:23, 2017
The work is a video installation consisting of an interview from 2017 and the work ”XIII Horizon”, shown on two old TV monitors in 4:3 resolution. The audio of the two recordings is mixed, which everyday life of the abstract journey through the corridors of the Pit, compares to the journey into the depths of the unconscious.
“XIII Horizon", single channel video installation, duration: 00:07:34, 2017
Shots from the Pit, 2017.
"500m into the depths of sleep", multichannel installation, solo show ”Tree head analogies”, Gallery U10, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017.