



Coming soon! For inquiry about physical works and prints feel free to send me an email.


Available on decentralized marketplaces. You are probably wondering what that means. Simply put, this means that the sale of the work is not mediated by a third party, such as gallery or other institution, but is realized through a peer-to-peer connection between artists and collectors. 🤝

Each digital artwork is managed via Smart contract, with the purchase of which you automatically receive a certificate of ownership that is entered in the blockchain and as such is immutable. If digital token is related to the physical piece, it will come with the signed physical certificate as well. 📝

Physical versions of the work are not included with the digital works, but they are sold exclusively to the owner of the token. 🖼️

Find my works on decentralized marketplaces:

You are probably wondering what kind of marketplace it that? Simply put, this means that the sale of the work is not mediated by a third party, such as a platform or an institution, but is realized through a peer-to-peer connection between artists and collectors. 🤝

Decentralised marketplaces use cryptocurrencies. Each digital artwork is managed via Smart contract, with the purchase of which you automatically receive a certificate of ownership that is entered in the blockchain and as such is immutable. 📝

Physical versions of the work are not included with the digital works, but they are sold exclusively to the owner of the token. 🖼️

© Mariah 2025

© Mariah 2025

© Mariah 2025